How Would You Fix The Budget?
The federal government will spend over $78 TRILLION over the next decade.
Does its priorities match yours? Take our quizzes and find out how you would budget for the future.
Budget Personality
Discover your federal budget personality
Tell us your priorities and we'll tell you your personality type
Budget Personality
Is our national debt a threat to the economy?
Boomers vs Zoomers
Show us how you would split the budget among the different generations
Learn about how the budget allocates money towards each generation
Boomers vs Zoomers
How much of the federal budget should be spent on kids?
Budget IQ
Test your federal budget IQ with this quiz
How much do you know about the federal budget?
Budget IQ
How big is the federal budget as a share of the economy?
Paying the Tab
America borrows A LOT of money.
Tell us how you would budget for the country to pay it all back
Paying the Tab
What share of the budget should be paid with taxes vs borrowing?
More or Less
Where should the government prioritize spending?
Tell us where it should spend more, and where it should spend less
More or Less
Should the federal government spend more or less on children's education?
Challenge Yourself
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